2 - 3 years: Our Toddler room is specially designed for our 2-3year olds. It’s bright and colourful and offers a wide variety of activities including construction play, role play and table top activities. In the messy play area the children can enjoy activities a such as cookery, play dough, sand & water and painting. All activities meet the stages and developmental needs of all the children.
Potty training is an essential part of the children’s development in this age group and we work closely with parents to ensure a smooth easy transition from nappy to toilet.
We have a large garden at the front of the house which Toddlers have access to twice a day. It’s fully equipped with ride on toys, climbing frames and outdoor kitchens to allow for more imaginative play outdoors.
Like all our other rooms you will have access to our reporting app to see what your child has been doing throughout the day giving you peace of mind while you are at work.